Totem Mini Kit
This collectable 1:5 scale glassware set serves as a handy visual aid for pre-selecting your favorite Totem shade combinations ahead of purchase. Made of exquisitely blown Opal glass, the kit is comprised of 8 shade replicas, 2 per shade designs A,B,C and D which are outfitted with neodymium magnets to help join the shades together. The charming modular Mini Kit inspires both creativity and playfulness but also serve as drink vessels for social gatherings. Discover the entire family of this magical lighting collection here. -
WhiteMATERIALS Mouth-Blown Opal Glass
Neodymium MagnetsFEATURES
Magnetic ConnectionSPECIFICATIONS
1:5 Scale
2x(A,B,C,D Shades) -
Pablo Studio
The Pablo Studio is a small group of makers and inventors with a diverse background in industrial design and craft, and a deep understanding of manufacturing, materials and technology.